RIES and Anti-Money Laundering Contracts

Software solution that allows the management of the customer portfolio and related contracts for companies that need to comply with RIES regulations and anti-money laundering controls on customers/suppliers.

The solution can be integrated into company management or CRM or can be used stand alone.

  • Advanced and customized alarm management
  • Customized management of contract types and required documents
  • Automatic RIES control of companies via public register and alarm in case of expiry

JavaScript  is an event-oriented, multi-paradigm programming language commonly used in client-side Web programming (and later also server-side) to create dynamic, interactive effects in websites and web applications through script functions invoked by events triggered in various ways by the user on the web page in use (mouse, keyboard, page loading, etc.).

Node JS  is a Javascript runtime. In practice, an execution environment that allows you to run Javascript code like any other programming language.
By providing Javascript with its own runtime environment, we can use it to run any type of program: from statistical and scientific processing, to interactions with networks and databases, to use as a server. Node.js has been able to lay the foundations of many environments, influencing areas such as mobile, IoT (Internet of Things), and desktop programming.

Cycle.js  is a Javascript framework where the entire application is described by a single main function that accepts the application’s event stream as input and produces it as an output updated in real time. Cycle.js is a framework, like React and Angular, which is therefore based on the reactivity of input/output flows/streams.

PostgreSQL  is a powerful open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a solid reputation for reliability, robust functionality, and performance.

Koa  is a new web framework designed by the team behind Express, aiming to be a smaller, more expressive, and more robust foundation for web applications and APIs. By leveraging asynchronous functions, Koa lets you ditch callbacks and dramatically increase error handling. Koa does not bundle any middleware into its core, and provides an elegant suite of methods that make writing servers fast and fun.

Knex.js  is a SQL query builder for JavaScript. It provides an easy-to-use interface to access a database and perform actions on it and its data. It supports many database management systems such as MySQL, SQLite, Postgres and others. With Knex.js, you can have all the configurations for different environments in a single file.

REST API , also known as a RESTful API, is an application programming interface (API or web API) that conforms to the constraints of the REST architectural style, allowing interaction with RESTful web services. The term REST, coined by computer scientist Roy Fielding, is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. JSON is one of the most popular programming languages, because, despite its name, it is language-independent and easily readable by humans and machines.

Functional programming (   FP  ) is a style of software programming based on the evaluation of mathematical functions. It is a declarative programming style: it uses clearly defined logical expressions, but does not state what the computer should do at each step. It focuses on what to solve, rather than how to solve it, and is thus in contrast to imperative programming styles, such as object-oriented programming.

A feature of functional programming is immutable objects. Once the value of an immutable object is defined, it can no longer be changed – instead, copies of the object are created and modified. This approach increases data security and simplifies debugging. Some functional programming languages ​​are Haskell, Clojure, Erlang, F#, and Scala.