Mosaic Design

Web application for 2D and 3D mosaic design and simulation.

Web application for 2D and 3D design and simulation of mosaics or mosaic walls: it represents a work environment for consultation (both consultants and customers) and design of mosaics, it offers a design mode that guides the selection of the product based on predefined choices (gradients, mix). Alternatively, it provides complete customization in design for a user based on the resources (colors and shapes) available, drawing and comparison tools, or by tracing the patterns and colors of digital images (png, gif).


Progressive Web App  (PWA) is a specific type of web application that combines the best of both web and native mobile application experiences.
With PWAs, developers can develop a website that mimics the functionality of a mobile app (e.g. with notifications, peripheral access, offline use). PWAs are also cross-platform, as they can run in supported browsers on any platform, including Windows, macOS, Chrome OS, and Linux computers, as well as Android and iOS smartphones.
Progressive Web Apps leverage the latest web APIs to unlock native functionality, installation, and reliability, reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device, all with a single code base.

C# is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports all the concepts of object-oriented programming. It was developed by Microsoft within the .NET initiative, and subsequently approved as a standard by ECMA (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270).
The syntax and structure of C# are inspired by various languages ​​​​created previously, in particular Delphi, C++, Java and Visual Basic.
C# is, in a certain sense, the language that best describes the guidelines on which each .NET program runs. In fact, it was created by Microsoft specifically for programming in the .NET Framework. Its “primitive” data types have a one-to-one correspondence with .NET types and many of its abstractions, such as classes, interfaces, delegates and exceptions, are particularly suited to managing the .NET framework.

Unity  development platform for graphics rendering, and known for the creation of video games, is used to visualize surfaces in a realistic way, combine colors and shapes through the interaction of an integrated UI with the visualization of the mosaic. Unity produces an application through cross-compilation that uses the webgl of your browser, taking advantage of the performance of your PC and leaving the most complex operations to the service on the server.