Disposal of Used Oils

Web application for the control of separate waste collection devices, smart containers for monitoring the status of liquid and solid collection, remotely programmable.

The application connects service providers with city users for the optimization of collection, for use and for correct localization in the territory. Depending on the technologies used in the devices (laser, ultrasound, load cells) it is possible to estimate the volume of the collected material in different units of measurement (volumetric, weight) for different types and shapes of containers.


Rails  is a full-stack framework. It comes with all the tools you need to build amazing web apps on both the front and back end.
Render HTML templates, update databases, send and receive emails, serve live pages via WebSockets, queue jobs for asynchronous work, store uploads in the cloud, and provide robust security protection against common attacks. Rails does it all and more.

PostgreSQL  is a powerful open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a solid reputation for reliability, robust functionality, and performance.

Custom Firmware devices , also known as aftermarket firmware, is a new or modified unofficial version of firmware created by third parties on various types of embedded devices to provide new functionality or to unlock hidden features.

Wireless technology , an example of integration for proximity communication, via RFID or Bluetooth. Destination locations can record data from devices in the immediate vicinity directly from tags placed on specific physical media or on the Application created specifically for controlling the latter. An example of customized integration for your business.

Georeferencing : devices are modeled in the system through geo-spatial coordinates, to trace the position on interactive maps and create useful services for optimizing the interaction between various objects: such as the search for tools or supports close to each other. Position management is a service increasingly present in web services.